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Zuletzt aktualisierte Podcasts

  • Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems (SS 2015) - tele-TASK
    High quality e-learning content created with tele-TASK - more than video! Powered by Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI)

    The complexity of current software systems, evolution of their requirements and uncertainty in their environments has led the software engineering community to look for inspiration in diverse related fields (e.g., robotics, a...

  • SMACK Hospitality

    Welcome to SMACK! Just like our name, everything we do here is a little different and yet you’ll probably have more fun here than elsewhere. SMACK Hospitality Media is your one-of-a-kind source for hospitality and tourism-rel...


    Save nature and wildlife soll Dich inspirieren zum Draußen sein. Ich möchte Dir die Schönheit unserer Natur nahebringen, um Dich zu Deinen eigenen Erlebnissen in Bergen, an Flüssen oder in Wäldern zu bringen. Die Faszination...

  • WaytoBIGhappiness

    Der WaytoBIGhappiness wird am Ende von jedem Menschen auf der Welt gesucht, aber nicht von jedem gefunden. Wir glauben, dass nicht nur jeder es verdient hat diesen Weg zu finden, sondern auch die Fähigkeiten mit sich bringt s...

  • Tennis & Sport Mentalcoaching

    Präsentiert von Caroline Gherega, einer zertifizierten Tennis- und Mentaltrainerin. Ziel des Swingitlikebackhand-Podcasts ist es, das Bewusstsein für mentales Coaching zu schärfen - ein sehr wichtiges Thema für alle Athleten...

  • Endstation Utopia

    Ein Startup gründen und gleichzeitig Menschen auf der ganzen Welt helfen? Social Entrepreneurship macht es möglich - erfahre jetzt in unserem neuen Podcast wie Entrepreneurship zur Erfüllung der 17 Sustainable Development Goa...

  • What the Physio? w/ Gino Lazzaro

    In physiotherapy, so many things are unclear and often make you think, "What the f***?" The goal of this podcast is to provide evidence-based information about pain, injury and rehabilitation. Enjoy!

  • You drink - you learn.

    Nothing left on Netflix and missing the exchange with your network of friends, colleagues and other professionals? I miss it a lot. And as bars and cafes are closed, conferences canceled and we are all socially distanced, thi...

  • SDGs in Sachsen, schön und gut…
    Sustainable Development Goals in Sachsen 

    Anayanci Chacón, Willy Vetter und Vivien Tauchmann vom Entwicklungspolitischen Netzwerk Sachsen (ENS) e.V. besuchen für diesen Podcast Gruppen, Initiativen und Vereine in Sachsen, die sich lokal & global für eine zukunftsfähi...

  • RookieScience

    The Rookie Science Podcast is a project with the goal of bringing everything science to the younger folks.

  • The Motivation Factor

    From motivation to inspiration. What makes people tick? What drives them? Michael's goal every episode is to motivate, inspire, and get to the core of the subject matter presented on the episode from guests and himself. His s...

  • Empowerment Season

    The goal of this show is to help you identify your purpose, passionately pursue it and get MORE of what you want out of life. Our host, Juan V López, is an entrepreneur digital marketer, empowerment speaker and owns a MBA. Tu...

  • Eat Wonderfully Podcast - motivation to build a healthier you!

    A long-time secret weapon of a-list celebrities and pro athletes, Chef Ronnda Hamilton provides motivation coupled with tried and true methods to help you reach your goals. Her motivational podcasts will show you how there is...

  • The Epic Christianity Podcast: Christian Inspiration & Motivation | Personal Growth | Life Focus | Interviews

    The Epic Christianity podcast will encourage, inspire, and empower you to live your best life. You will be inspired from the lives of Epic Christians as they share their stories and their tips for success. The episodes will e...

  • The Motivation Station with Katie Bellerino

    Katie Bellerino is an entrepreneur and hair stylist. She has a background in theatre and possesses a love for all things vintage and Hollywood. She is passionate about inspiring others and igniting the determination in all of...