Beste Literatur Podcasts Hier findest Du die besten Literatur Podcasts und alle weiteren Podcasts in der Kategorie Literatur.

Zuletzt aktualisierte Podcasts

  • Taylor Lecture

    The Taylor Lecture, is a prestigious annual lecture on Modern European Literature, delivered at the Taylor Institution in the University of Oxford since 1889.

  • Last Week in Internal Medicine

    Wouldn't it be nice if someone reviewed all the latest internal medicine literature and distilled it into a brief podcast you could listen to on your way to work? Get updates from the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA Net...

  • Adbi Duniya

    Adbi Duniya has been providing audio files of poetry and prose (both long and short) by great writers of Urdu and Hindi literatures. If you like our work and if you wish to support us in this endeavor, you could finance our v...

  • Irritable Book Syndrome

    Three friends having fun reading badly written literature.

  • Čitateľský klub Fabula

    Podcast online čitateľského klubu Fabula nielen o knihách a literatúre. Objavujte s nami nové tipy na čítanie a získavajte nové literárne poznatky. Fabula je online čitateľský klub, ktorý vytvára priestor pre všetkých, ktorí...

  • Straight To Success

    The GM Podcast Network presents: Success. Something we all try to succeed at. Whether it's business, literature, logic, finance, or just an inspiring story. We tackle the best of all because we believe success starts somewher...

  • Reasoning with Riley Moore
    Conversations about philosophy, literature, and current events.

    Conversations about philosophy, literature, and current events.

  • The Pop Culture Effect

    Join J.P., DeQuan, Gio and Emily as they dive into the world of video games, film, TV, and literature!

  • The Staying In Podcast - four pals talk video games, board games, movies, and absolute nonsense
    Four pals talk life and hobbies, discussing the very best of board games, video games, comic books, movies, and more.

    Discover the very best of things you can play, watch, and read! Our award-nominated comedy podcast uncovers the hidden indie gems you‘ll wonder how you ever lived without, dives deep into the franchises you already know and l...

  • Glass Box Podcast

    The Book of Mormon is a fascinating work of literature, teeming with stories of prophets, kings, and warriors on the pre-Columbian American continent. Is it a holy writ of ancient history and Christian theology, or did it com...

  • ARS humana
    Oddaja predstavlja humanistične teme, od filozofije in literature do jezikoslovja in zgodovine. Oddajo oblikujemo predvsem na podlagi pogovorov s priznanimi strokovnjaki iz določenega področja, največkrat gre za vrhunske profesorje, filozofe ali znanst...

    Oddaja predstavlja humanistične teme, od filozofije in literature do jezikoslovja in zgodovine. Oddajo oblikujemo predvsem na podlagi pogovorov s priznanimi strokovnjaki iz določenega področja, največkrat gre za vrhunske prof...

  • Razgledi in razmisleki
    Oddaja je namenjena pogovorom s pomembnimi domačimi in tujimi ustvarjalci, v njej objavljamo izvirne in prevedene eseje, vas seznanjamo z odmevnimi dogodki na kulturnem področju tostran in onkraj slovenskih meja, objavljamo besedila, ki obravnavajo pod...

    Oddaja je namenjena pogovorom s pomembnimi domačimi in tujimi ustvarjalci, v njej objavljamo izvirne in prevedene eseje, vas seznanjamo z odmevnimi dogodki na kulturnem področju tostran in onkraj slovenskih meja, objavljamo b...

  • Curious Thamizhan Tamil Podcast

    Curious Thamizhan have planned to discuss Cinema, politics, literature, philosophies and so on.

  • Lær norsk nå!

    “Lær Norsk Nå!” is a podcast for the intermediate Norwegian learner (B1-B2) who wants to listen to authentic Norwegian spoken in a clear and slow manner. Transcriptions for the episodes are easily available at the website for...

  • Cultural Standards Podcast Maha Jahangir

    Exploring cultural standards in literature and reality