WebbAlert - September 18, 2008

WebbAlert - September 18, 2008

Shocker: Kids love video games, DJ Hero to help scratch your scratching itch, Users miss their old Facebook, Google Android coming October 17, Scrounge through Wikipedia's dumpster, Canon announces new HD digital camera, Google and Valve still just frien


vor 16 Jahren
Can't see the video? Watch this video now in a browser or download this video now.A new Pew survey examines video game habits of kids. The results may surprise you (in a good way).

Activision Blizzard is planing to tap into the rarely talked about club-scene-gamer demographic with DJ Hero.

A lot of Facebook users are so upset over the site's new design they've been forced to do something
drastic: become Facebook developers?

Google's Android phone now has an even more official-yet-not-official release date of October 17. Then what are we going to talk about?

Want to find all of your bogus articles that were deleted from Wikipedia? You might want to clear your schedule first.

Canon puts pressure on Nikon by introducing its first
HD-video DSLR digital camera.

If Google had actually bought Valve yesterday, it would have been huge news. Good thing we didn't get swept up in the
rumor storm.
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