Brisbane Star Crests

Brisbane Star Crests

A weekend of Star Crest fun at Brisbane Skydivers, Brisbane Australia.
3 Minuten


vor 14 Jahren
Star Crest

Until you earn your Star Crest in Skydiving , you are restricted to jumps no bigger than 10 people.

To gain the qualification necessary for larger loads you will have to earn your Australian Star Crest.

This certificate acknowledges the fact that you have docked 5th or later on three 8 to 10 way formations. These three separate jumps must each be witnessed by at least two Star Crest holders or APF judges.

Star Crest loads can be done from a single large aircraft or several smaller aircraft flying in formation.

These jumps can be organised for you at your own DZ or at boogies where load organisers are designated to assist jumpers working to improve their skills.

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