Galactica Quorum - Episode 85

Galactica Quorum - Episode 85

"Reins Of A Waterfall" showed a little improvement and story potential, but we're still waiting for the show to elevate to the next level. Listeners weigh in with early reviews. We ask what's missing--is it the lack of sci-fi? And how do you define it?


vor 14 Jahren
"Reins Of A Waterfall" showed a little improvement and story potential, but we're still waiting for the show to elevate to the next level. This week, listeners weigh in with early reviews of the series so far, mostly negative. We ask what's missing--is it the lack of sci-fi? And how do you define sci-fi?

We also question what the producers were thinking when they first conceived the show's tone being "ironic." They acknowledge that they've made some changes...what would you change?

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