Galactica Quorum - Episode 2

Galactica Quorum - Episode 2

In this no-holds-barred installment we take a stick to "Unfinished Business." Did it resolve any unanswered questions or was it just a waste of 45 minutes on the DVR?
21 Stunden 53 Minuten


vor 18 Jahren
In this no-holds-barred installment we take a stick to "Unfinished Business." Did it resolve any unanswered questions or was it just a waste of 45 minutes on the DVR?

True to our role as the scrappy underdog, we were forced to record on a PC with 256MB of RAM. Yes, they still exist. No, I didn't think XP could run on that either. The resulting recording had some blips and dropoffs so we apologize for that, but nothing too bad. I was able to clean up the worst of it.

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