MWV Episode 74 - David Bhella - Electron-cryomicroscopy

MWV Episode 74 - David Bhella - Electron-cryomicroscopy


vor 11 Jahren
Dr. David Bhella studies the structural components of viruses. David applies "the techniques of electron-cryomicroscopy and image analysis to the study of viruses.
In addition to his research, David participates, together with the Glasgow Science Centre, in public outreach to help teach students the processes behind his science.
Due to this work, David received the 2013 Peter Wildy prize for Microbiology Education. David's acceptance speech detailed his work with students as well as the stunning images he has produced through his work in electron-cryomicroscopy in particular a project he did, together with artist Murray Robertson, called Molecular Machines which features 3D images from virus research, animated and set to music.
On this episode, Vincent Racaniello talks with David about the Wildy Prize, his work with electron-cryomicroscopy, public outreach via the DNA workshop and his passion for combining science and art.

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