Zombie Jamboree! A Walking Dead Podcast: “Try” (Ep 5-15)

Zombie Jamboree! A Walking Dead Podcast: “Try” (Ep 5-15)

You’ve just watched “Try” (Season 5, Ep 15) of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” — also known as “Keep Walking....” Now let’s try to digest this tuna casserole of an episode and debrief on what happened. Rick Grimes tells it like it is -- he knows whats up! Micho
"Fear the Walking Dead" & "The Walking Dead" Podcast


vor 9 Jahren
You’ve just watched “Try” (Season 5, Ep 15) of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” — also known as “Keep Walking....” Now let’s try to digest this tuna casserole of an episode and debrief on what happened. Rick Grimes tells it like it is -- he knows what's up! Michonne takes matters into her own hands. Sam feels safer with Carol than with his own mother, and it's not just because his mom's owl sculptures are of dubious merit. No Trent Reznors were harmed in the making of this podcast.

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