3/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

3/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

The media have been caught in a web of contradictory lies when it comes to the FISA court issuing a warrant for wiretapping on President Trump’s 2016 campaign. Why is the media now denying that the Obama administration asked for FISA court warrants to ..
Mark Levin has become one of the hottest properties in Talk radio, his top-rated show on WABC is now syndicated nationally. He is also one of the top new authors in the conservative political arena.


vor 7 Jahren
The media have been caught in a web of contradictory lies when it comes to the FISA court issuing a warrant for wiretapping on President Trump’s 2016 campaign. Why is the media now denying that the Obama administration asked for FISA court warrants to surveil the Trump campaign? For weeks the media wanted us to believe that so serious were the connections between Trump, his campaign and Russia, that a probable cause standard was reached to launch wiretaps on Trump and his campaign. Now they would have you believe that there was no FISA warrant and no investigation. If there were no FISA court warrants issued last year, then why did the media report that there were for weeks? When is the media, including Jake Tapper, and Joe Scarborough going to track this down? Why didn’t Chuck Todd or Brian Stelter raise this issue about whether or not there were FISA court orders weeks ago? The media were basing their information on anonymous sources. The media is so ideologically driven they can't even get their story straight. In addition, James Clapper former Director of National Intelligence denied there was a FISA court order. If Clapper is telling the truth, it helps Trump and his presidency. It shows that not only was there nothing, but there was never anything there. After that, is this a criminal investigation or intelligence investigation? You won’t get any help in answering this question from the newspapers such as the New York Times. James Comey should come out with a statement to say, not only did Barack Obama not give an order to investigate the Trump campaign but there was no FISA warrant issued.

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