#378 Video as Content Marketing with Tom Hickmore

#378 Video as Content Marketing with Tom Hickmore

In today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast Andy is joined by the Creative Director at Nice Media, Tom Hickmore to discuss videos and how they fit into content marketing. Tom discusses the strengths and weaknesses of using videos withi...
27 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
In today's episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast Andy is joined by the Creative Director at Nice Media, Tom Hickmore to discuss videos and how they fit into content marketing.

Tom discusses the strengths and weaknesses of using videos within your content marketing. He explains that where video excels is through being impactful & memorable and that it can appeal to it's audience with an emotional hook, whereas it's drawback is that it isn't so good for detailed information. Essentially videos can deliver high level messages, delivered with a punch!

He then goes onto discuss what you should consider when thinking about producing video content and how educational videos & videos of products tied in with case studies and testimonials can be great to use in your marketing efforts.

Finally, Tom discusses the topic of VR and how it might affect content marketing in the future. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy

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