Combining Astrology & Human Design
vor 1 Jahr
Get cosy, settle in and enjoy a very nourishing conversation
about the magic of ceremony, astrology and human design with
lovely Inés Kelly. She is a fellow generator and is sharing her
gifts online and in privates and group ceremonies in Zürich.
In the beginning of the conversation I mention that I’ve also
been a guest on her Podcast “la luna eres tu” where we talked
extensivly about Human Design and share personal insights. You
can listen to this episode here.
In this conversation you’ll learn:
How Inés combines Astrology and Human Design and how these 2
systems complement each other
How Astrology found her and she had a sacral response to it
How being a 1/4 profile influences her process: Learning/
researching and sharing
What kind of ceremonies she is facilitating & why they are so
We also talk about lunar cycles and how we can work with the
lunar energies from a new moon to a full moon.
About Inés Kelly
Inés Kelly is an integral Human Design, Gene Keys and Astrology
Guide and Space Holder. She facilitates group ceremonies for the
community to come together, honor the cycles of the seasons and
moon and heal as a collective. Her mission is for spiritual women
and female entrepreneurs to heal their core wounds, uncover their
gifts and contribute to the tribe in their unique way.
Soul Nourishment - Alles auf einen Blick
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Achtsamkeit und Meditationscoaching
Embodied Human Design Energy Reading oder Embodied Human Design
Wellbeing Reading
Private Embodiment Sessions 60 bis 90min - finde über den Körper
in dein Gleichgewicht
Magic Duo - erfahre die Kombination aus Embodiment & Human
Embodied Human Design & Soul Nourishment Workshops
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Embodied Human Design Kurs - sichere dir jetzt deinen Platz -
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Soul Nourishment Podcast
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Kostenlose Soul Nourishment Rituale
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