#247 mit Brian Robertson, Entrepreneur, Organization-Builder, & Recovering CEO, Pioneer of Holacracy

#247 mit Brian Robertson, Entrepreneur, Organization-Builder, & Recovering CEO, Pioneer of Holacracy

“I nearly crashed the plane that day.”
1 Stunde 4 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
Our guest today was a software developer and founder of Ternary
Software. In his company he started early to try out alternative,
more democratic organizational structures. In 2007 he presented his
collected experience for the first time as an integrated approach
under the name Holacracy. In 2010 he published the Holacracy
Constitution, which should provide the basis for building new
corporate cultures. And in 2015 his book was published: Holacracy:
The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World. On his
LinkedIn profile he describes himself as an “Entrepreneur”, an
“Organization-Builder”, “a Recovering CEO” and last but not least
as a “Pioneer of Holacracy” For over 3 years we are on our “way to
new work”. How can a topic that plays such an important part in our
everyday life create more meaning in our lives again? How do we get
people to draw strength and motivation from their daily work again?
And how can one succeed in living a happy, healthy, productive and
fulfilling life even in such difficult times? We are looking for
methods, role models, experiences, tools and ideas that bring us
closer to the core of New Work! We are always concerned with the
question of whether everyone can really find and live what they
really, really want in their innermost being. You are at “On the
Way to New Work” today with Brian Robertson .

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