#22 mit Entrepreneur Warren Rustand

#22 mit Entrepreneur Warren Rustand

It’s very hard to describe this week's podcast gu…
42 Minuten


vor 6 Jahren
It’s very hard to describe this week's podcast guest in just a few
words: Warren Rustand is an outstanding entrepreneur, he is a
former advisor to the President of the United States, he served as
CEO or Chairman of 17 companies and on the Board of Directors for
50 organizations. But more important he is a remarkable human being
and shares his experiences to do good and help others to become
better servant leaders. During the last months I had the chance to
experience him for several days during workshops at EO and truly
transform how I lead but more important how I am and act as person.
Warren is 74, married, has 7 children and 19 grandchildren and
never ever seems to be on the run or stressed by anything. He gave
me his undivided attention during a retreat in Bavaria to share as
much as possible with you guys starting from organizing his workday
and his 15 minute meeting rule that all presidents until Obama used
as well as his morning routines and his vision for the future of
organization. Alle Bücher der Podcast-Gäste findet Ihr unter:
books.onthewaytonewwork.com Shownotes: What drives you, Warren
Rustand? (ab 01:30 Min.) What changed during your work for the
President? (ab 03:10 Min.) How did you transfer your learnings for
yourself? (ab 04:20 Min.) What did you learn from the President
about paying attention to people? (ab 06:15 Min.) What size is your
business? (ab 08:45 Min.) How do you focus on so many people so
that everyone feels appreciated? (ab 09:10 Min.) How did you find
your personal purpose? (ab 09:50 Min.) What would you recommend
people to do in order to find their personal purpose? (ab 11:25
Min.) How do you start your day? What kind of daily routines do you
have? (ab 12:35 Min.) Routines: What do you recommend your
employees? (ab 14:55 Min.) Where do you find time to think or
relax? (ab 15:50 Min.) What is your opinion on how work changed?
(ab 17:10 Min.) What kind of skills should people have an eye on?
(ab 19:50 Min.) You invest a lot of time in your community. Why are
you passionate about that? (ab 22:55 Min.) Who is the person in
your life that influenced you the most? (ab 26:45 Min.) What are
your 5 must read books? (ab 27:50 Min.) Do you see any young
entrepreneurs out there that we should look at? (ab 32:30 Min.)
What do you think of Elon Musks Vision? (ab 35:40 Min.) How did you
start your Top 100 list? (ab 38:30 Min.)

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