#22 Yoga is the embrace of reality itself - Interview with Mark Whitwell

#22 Yoga is the embrace of reality itself - Interview with Mark Whitwell

1 Stunde 7 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
Das heutige Interview mit dem international bekannten Yogalehrer
Mark Whitwell wird in englischer Sprache sein. ** Wanda is very
honoured and excited to introduce you to this weeks guest: Mark
Whitwell. He is one of the most renowned yoga teachers around the
world, and has studied with the great teacher Sri T.
Krishnamacharya, and his son Desikachar. Mark has truly studied
yoga in his origin and his teachings are a great inspiration to
Wanda and thousands of yogis around the globe. He was born in New
Zealand, began his yoga journey in the 70's and spent many years
studying and teaching the tradition of yoga in India and Fiji. He
also has a non profit organization called “The Heart of Yoga“. Mark
teaches a path of yoga that is beyond any style and that is open to
everyone who can breathe. He teaches a simple and yet profound yoga
which is accessible to everyone without dogmatism, meeting the
needs of the individual with compassion and a loving, open heart.
Wanda is honoured to introduce you to the great Mark Whitwell.
Enjoy. More information to his trainings, retreats and workshops of
Mark: www.heartofyoga.com

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