Folge 24: Martin Aylward - The Practice of Embodied Awareness

Folge 24: Martin Aylward - The Practice of Embodied Awareness

"Embodied awareness is the way back home – intimacy with where and how we are right now, with what is happening and how we are meeting it." Life is happening right in front of us, and within us – but still, we manage to miss so much of it because we ...
48 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

"Embodied awareness is the way back home – intimacy with where
and how we are right now, with what is happening and how we are
meeting it."

Life is happening right in front of us, and within us – but
still, we manage to miss so much of it because we are lost in our
thoughts. In this podcast episode with Usha Swamy, Martin Aylward
explains how we can develop embodied awareness to live an
"embodied" life – awake, present and conscious. And how this
helps us appreciate the blessings of life – the gift of being


More about Martin Aylward:

Martin's Meditation Center:

Dharma Practice Group:


More about Usha Swamy:


Martin's book (German edition):ücher/meditation-buddhismus-fuer-den-westen-spiritualitaet-nahrung-fuer-die-seele-achtsamkeit

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