Cambridge Analytica and data exploitation - a critical intervention

Cambridge Analytica and data exploitation - a critical intervention

The Cambridge Analytica scandal is about many (scandalous) things at the same time: This high-profile panel will explain what this is really about, why it matters and debate what needs to be done. Ravi Naik is currently suing Cambridge Analytica. Paul-Oli
57 Minuten


vor 6 Jahren
Frederike Kaltheuner, Paul-Olivier Dehaye, Ravi Naik The Cambridge
Analytica scandal is about campaign financing, possible law
breaking and Brexit. It’s also about money in politics. It’s about
the continuing irresponsibility of platforms like Facebook. It’s
about the systemic problem of data exploitation and surveillance
capitalism. It’s about targeted advertising, persuasion and
manipulation. It’s also about a shady company that has possibly
broken data protection laws (together with political campaigns, and
other data analytics firms). It’s about neo-colonialims and global
inequalities. It’s also about foreign interference in elections and
government propaganda (not just by Russia). It’s  about GDPR
and compliance - competition law and consumer protection.  In
other words: this is complicated. 

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