How Zero Net Neutrality Made Fake News More Potent

How Zero Net Neutrality Made Fake News More Potent

The absence of Net Neutrality, and the introduction of free Facebook via, was craftily exploited by the new social media army employed by the country's political candidates in the 2016 elections. Fake news and misleading headlines flourished
31 Minuten


vor 6 Jahren
Jay Fajardo, Nanjira Sambuli, Greta Byrum The Philippines has an
internet penetration of 58% (61M), Facebook penetration of 56%
(59M), of which 97% use Facebook on mobile. The lack of
net-neutrality in a digital society of this scale, can be extremely
harmful. It has allowed a telecom duopoly, and various content
providers, direct control of what can and cannot be accessed on the
internet, based on your economic resources. This, and the
introduction of in 2015, on the eve of the country's
electoral campaigns, fueled the rise of social media political
operators, troll farms, and bots. The public's inability to discern
online information, evident in the spread and impact of fake news,
has continued beyond the 2016 elections. Jay wishes to narrate the
Philippine net-neutrality experience in the context of real life
societal impact, and hopes to discuss similar experiences in other
countries, through a panel of experts.

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