Should we really be drinking eight glasses of water a day? (BBC More or Less)

Should we really be drinking eight glasses of water a day? (BBC More or Less)

12 Minuten
Wissenschaft auf die Ohren - Audiofundstücke rund um die Forschung, kuratiert von der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Deutschlands größter Wissenschaftsorganisation


vor 7 Jahren
How much water should you be drinking? There is some age-old advice
that suggests you should be drinking eight ounces (230 ml) eight
times a day. Some people even advise you should be drinking this on
top of what you normally drink. There is lots of advice out there
but how do you know when you?ve had enough or if you?re drinking
too much. With help from Professor Stanley Goldfarb from the
University of Pennsylvania, Wesley Stephenson finds out.

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