Foundertalk #16: TIER
50 Minuten
vor 3 Jahren
Many of you are probably dreaming of running a successful startup?
But have you ever dreamt about establishing two successful
startups? In this Foundertalk you will get to know Lawrence
Leuschner, the Co-Founder of reBuy and TIER Mobility. We will be
focusing on the interesting mindset and insights of this young
entrepreneur as well as his mission of incorporating climate
neutrality in all of his ventures. Find out more about the
challenges TIER mobility might face in terms of sustainability and
climate neutrality. Moreover, Lawrence will go over his insight on
further areas with large social impact, the mistakes he avoided the
second time he founded a startup, how he has found the right
business partners, his daily routine and more.
But have you ever dreamt about establishing two successful
startups? In this Foundertalk you will get to know Lawrence
Leuschner, the Co-Founder of reBuy and TIER Mobility. We will be
focusing on the interesting mindset and insights of this young
entrepreneur as well as his mission of incorporating climate
neutrality in all of his ventures. Find out more about the
challenges TIER mobility might face in terms of sustainability and
climate neutrality. Moreover, Lawrence will go over his insight on
further areas with large social impact, the mistakes he avoided the
second time he founded a startup, how he has found the right
business partners, his daily routine and more.
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