Sleepwalking towards a destruction
29 Minuten
vor 4 Jahren
English episode! When Tonny Nowshin startet to learn more about
the climate crisis and how severe it is, she felt lonely. Why
didn't people talk about it? Now the climate movement is a lot
bigger and the topic gets more attention. But governments still
aren't treating the crisis like a crisis. Tonny is a climate
justice activist from Bangladesh living in Berlin. Why it helps
to talk with other people about ones feelings and how activism
can help dealing with the truth.
Website of "Urgewald"
German Article from Tonny Nowshin: Die Klimabewegung hat ein
Protests against Fichtner (German Article)
Tonny on Twitter
BIPoC Climate Justice Network on Twitter
'What do we want?' 'Climate justice!' (Sophie Welsh /
Hörtipp: Eine Stimme aus dem Wald
Wie komme ich mit Klimastress klar? Vielleicht einfach mal wieder
in den Wald gehen. Wie uns das erdet und neue Perspektiven
eröffnet, hörst du in der Folge "Der Förster"
aus unserem Partner-Podcast "Der Klang des
Dienens". In deiner App und überall da, wo es Podcasts
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