Emotional Intelligence with Dwayne Anderson ll (ENG)

Emotional Intelligence with Dwayne Anderson ll (ENG)

1 Stunde 22 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
Poppies, for episode #50 we welcome Dwayne Anderson II, assistant
coach of Villanova, on our show! We spoke to the BG Göttingen
legend about his professional basketball career in Europe, his
early retirement and tough decisions he faced back then. We dove
deep into his passion for the game of basketball and get a feel for
his his job and commitment to Villanova. While listening you will
understand how eminent the social or soft skills are for his
scouting/ recruiting tasks and why his emotional intelligence is
key for his success. Lean back and enjoy our #anniversaryepisode
with lots #brainpops coming your way!

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