86. A cup of tea with Regine Claeys
28 Minuten
vor 10 Monaten
Regine from Belgium was criminal judge and is now family judge.
She is a mother of three sons and educated them to be aware of
gender issues. She joined Zonta in 1993 at the age of 31. She was
clubpresident ZC Brussel Zavel 2020-2022 and is areadirector 06
D27 since 2022. In Zonta she works with the AIDA model from
marketing. This model stands for awareness, interest, desire and
action. Regine describes vividly how she uses this tool to
motivate other Zontians, to build greater commitment and to use
the power of connection. Very inspiring! At last, we had a very
motivating poem: One tree can give life to a forest. One smile
can start a friendship. One hand can uplift a soul. One idea can
shape the future. Regine encourages all of us to be the „one“.
After listening to her you want to be the „one“!
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