New Work - buzzword or added value? How companies get agile!

New Work - buzzword or added value? How companies get agile!

32 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren

To some, New Work seems to be just another new buzzword. With the
knowledge of the past six months however, we should ask ourselves
– isn’t New Work rather what some are referring to as the “New
Normal”? The Covid-19-crisis has put a stress test on corporate
work culture. 

Join me in this episode´s talk with Darius Moeini, who confirms
that many organizations are considering how to be more resilient
for future crises. The CEO and founder of the BIA (Berlin
Innovation Agency) is an expert in the field of New Work as he
developed and implemented new work concepts within numerous
companies. He carefully examines the form in which New Work
offers individual added value for the different companies.

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