Digital Opening: BarabásiLab. Hidden Patterns

Digital Opening: BarabásiLab. Hidden Patterns

BarabásiLab. Hidden Patterns. Network Thinking | Live discussion
1 Stunde 11 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

BarabásiLab. Hidden Patterns. Network Thinking | Live discussion


This panel featuring network scientist Albert-László Barabási,
data visualization experts, Isabel Meirelles and Alice
Grishchenko, and artist and director of the ZKM | Karlsruhe,
Peter Weibel, will engage with the topic of network thinking and
data visualization in our contemporary world. Through the
visualization of networks, invisible amounts of data, upon which
all the infrastructures of daily life have long been based, come
more clearly into focus.

The innovative and interdisciplinary field of network science
facilitates the analysis of various cultural and social phenomena
through graphic representations of relationships between people,
objects, or ideas. Data visualization explores the obscure and
hidden patters in nature, society, language, and culture.
Barabási's network approach promises to deliver comprehensive
methods that illuminate phenomena with both technical precision
and aesthetic sensibility.

The four panelists will explore how network thinking has
changed—and continues to change—our views of the world through
visualizing systemic connections and communications.
Albert-László Barabási is the founder and director of BarabásiLab
and has been instrumental in the development of methodologies of
data visualization for over 25 years. Alice Grishchenko is a
member of the BarabásiLab and worked on many of the network
visualizations featured in the exhibition. Isabel Meirelles has
collaborated with Barabási on various projects over the years and
continues to teach and write about the impact of network
visualization on society, culture, and education.

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