Dendritic Cells in Experimental Renal Inflammation - Part I

Dendritic Cells in Experimental Renal Inflammation - Part I


vor 13 Jahren
Dendritic cells (DCs) are bone marrow-derived professional
antigen-presenting cells that act as master regulators of acquired
and innate immune responses. While descriptions of cells with
dendritic morphology in rodent kidneys date back to the early
1970s, a network of DCs in the mouse kidney has only recently been
described. DCs acquire distinct phenotypic and functional
characteristics depending on the microenvironment and the disease
stages. Concomitantly, their communication with cells of the
adaptive immunity might have tissue-protective or
tissue-deleterious consequences. This review summarizes results
from recent studies on the role of DCs in experimental renal
inflammation. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel

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