#84: Rusudan Khizanishvili

#84: Rusudan Khizanishvili

Her art career began when she was 9 years old - a talk with the Georgian painter Rusudan Khizanishvili
48 Minuten
For „heliumTALK – Das Kunstgespräch“ Jörg Heikhaus meets with interesting people from the art world at the heliumcowboy gallery in Hamburg. Conversations are English or German.


vor 3 Jahren
For the new episode of my podcast #heliumTALK I spoke with the
Georgian painter Rusudan Khizanishvili. In a world full of new
painters rising up constantly (it seems), her colorful, intense and
beautiful work stands out for quite some time now. Only recently
Rusudan had a large exhibition in Berlin’s 68projects / Kornfeld
Galerie (curated by Nina Mdivani), where her stunning figurative
paintings caught my attention … well, as almost everybody else, I
just saw it on the web, but I was super curious so I got in touch
with her and we had this very enjoyable conversation for heliumTALK
number 84.

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