
vor 11 Monaten
Here's the recording. Scorch Atlas: Gravel A story from Scorch
Atlas, a 2009 short story collection written by Blake Butler and
published by Featherproof Books. Recorded on location on a windy,
stoney beach. The day the sky rained gravel I watched it drum my
father's car. A Corvette he'd spent years rebuilding. He liked to
watch his face gleam in the hood. He kissed the key before
ignition. He read the owner's manual aloud. When he lost the
strength to stand he left the car uncovered in the street. Each
morning I took a Polaroid and we tacked it to his headboard—a
panorama of slow ruin.

Weitere Episoden

Scorch Atlas: Glass [2]
3 Minuten
vor 10 Monaten
Scorch Atlas: Glass
3 Minuten
vor 10 Monaten

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