"The Edinbourgh Reporter"
16 Minuten
vor 6 Jahren
Last year at Mojocon I was honored to talk with the lady behind the
Edinbourgh Reporter. She is doing an amazing work - running an
online-news-offer with storys all around Edinbourgh. And she is
doing it just by her own. There is no support of other big media
companys. So one day before the #MoJoFest will start, I would like
to publish this Interview again. And as well as the start is in
German it will be changed quickly into english.
Edinbourgh Reporter. She is doing an amazing work - running an
online-news-offer with storys all around Edinbourgh. And she is
doing it just by her own. There is no support of other big media
companys. So one day before the #MoJoFest will start, I would like
to publish this Interview again. And as well as the start is in
German it will be changed quickly into english.
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