Emergency Archiving in Ukraine

Emergency Archiving in Ukraine

Historical Research in Times of War
1 Stunde 7 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
On February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine. The horrible attack
abruptly changed the lives of millions of people. Many were
displaced by the brutal war. Others decided to stay and provide
humanitarian aid or to defend their country. Colleagues from the
Center for Urban History in Lviv also chose not to leave. They are
now documenting the war. Usually historians analyze the past, in
Ukraine they are now preserving the present. In this podcast
episode Natalia Otrishchenko, Taras Nazaruk, and Oleksandr
Makhanets talk about their project »Testimonies from the War«, the
concept of »emergency archiving« and how they explore new ways of
oral history and visual history.

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Berlin. Das Rom der Zeitgeschichte
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