Natalie Eilers about her life as a Canadian Ski Jumper
1 Stunde 3 Minuten
vor 1 Jahr
Being a ski jumper in Canada is certainly not easy: Calgary's ski
jumping centre has been closed since 2018, leaving only the 2010
Olympic jumps in Whistler for the winter. Natalie Eilers grew up in
Calgary and tells host Luis about her life as a ski jumper on a
team that has to live in Europe to pursue its sport. She tells how
she started ski jumping, why she continues despite thoughts about
retiring, how she copes with long breaks from jumping and why Team
Canada including world record holder and world champion ...
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jumping centre has been closed since 2018, leaving only the 2010
Olympic jumps in Whistler for the winter. Natalie Eilers grew up in
Calgary and tells host Luis about her life as a ski jumper on a
team that has to live in Europe to pursue its sport. She tells how
she started ski jumping, why she continues despite thoughts about
retiring, how she copes with long breaks from jumping and why Team
Canada including world record holder and world champion ...
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