10 Marketing Fehler, die du vermeiden solltest
14 Minuten
vor 5 Jahren
1 Sell everyone 2 not better but different and new 3 Fight for -
fight against 4 lead with problem not the solution 5 story >
features 6 conversations about their problems 7 technobable 8 no
origin story The story creates the buying emotions They buy your
story not the offer The offer is just the justification 9 sell the
transformation not the product Sell the sizzle not the steak 10
close is missing Ask for the sale Logical reasons to act now
fight against 4 lead with problem not the solution 5 story >
features 6 conversations about their problems 7 technobable 8 no
origin story The story creates the buying emotions They buy your
story not the offer The offer is just the justification 9 sell the
transformation not the product Sell the sizzle not the steak 10
close is missing Ask for the sale Logical reasons to act now
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