How to Distribute your Short Film!

How to Distribute your Short Film!

33 Minuten


vor 5 Jahren

Wouter Jansen startet his festivals strategy agency Some
Shorts in 2013, which re-branded itself as Square Eyes
earlier this year. Through his years of experience as a
programmer at film festivals (e.g. the Oscar-qualifying Go Short
International Short Film Festival Nijmegen) he noticed that there
are more and more strong films, that don’t find international
distribution. With his agency Wouter tries to support both
upcoming talents and more established film makers, and promote
their films internationally. Festivals and non-commercial
screenings can help these films find their audiences, get
exposure and an international career. In this episode Wouter is
talking about his work and his experience with festival
strategies. He provides one or the other tip for a meaningful
festival strategy for your own short. 

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