S2E11: Johannes Müller as a guest speaker on the OKRs Q&A Podcast by Atruity

S2E11: Johannes Müller as a guest speaker on the OKRs Q&A Podcast by Atruity

32 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

We have something unexpected to share with you!

Our CEO and Founder Johannes Müller was invited to speak on
another podcast that focuses on OKRs and OKR implementation.

The OKRs Q&A Podcast is focused on the successful
implementation and management of OKRs. Their main objective is to
answer any questions one may have about OKRs but
specifically how to successfully implement them within
an organization.

The podcast is produced by Atruity, an
OKR Consultancy focused on implementing successful OKR Programs,
based in the Washington DC Area

Johannes was invited to talk about how to transform
your enterprise using OKR's, the adaptability of OKR
programs throughout different OKR journeys, and the challenges
within the OKR marketplace.

Listen in and enjoy!

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