#43 Morris Ostrow | Having money or not hasn’t changed anything in my life

#43 Morris Ostrow | Having money or not hasn’t changed anything in my life

Inspiration & Motivation for Career & Life
41 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
This episode will give you some special insights into the life of
the 72 years old inventor Morris Ostrow, who was born in Germany,
raised in Israel, moved to Canada and calls Japan his home now
since decades. Morris is a studied Engineer, was a top judo player
of the Canadian national team who also succeeded in the Jewish
Olympics in Israel. Hear how he decided to not follow in his
father’s shoes, joining and one day taking over his successful
factory. Morris shares how he started working as an engineer and
the situation, when his dream of being part of the international
Olympic games came to a sudden end. Why he describes being employed
feeling like being a slave, how he decided to quit as well as what
it meant to him, having his former wife giving up on him and his
inventions, he explains to us. You’ll hear how he failed many times
with selling his inventions but never gave up – until he really was
able to celebrate huge successes, giving him all the freedom he
wanted. Get ready for some very nice stories and his personal
impulses to people who are still not sure if and how they should go
ahead with an idea.

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