#39 Jerome Nadel | I wish I’d have slowed down more to appreciate all of the levels that I achieved

#39 Jerome Nadel | I wish I’d have slowed down more to appreciate all of the levels that I achieved

Inspiration & Motivation for Career & Life
49 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
I wish I’d have slowed down more to appreciate all of the levels
that I achieved, this is the title of today’s episode – great to
have you here with me You’ll now get to know the man behind these
words, Jerome Nadel who lives in California. He is an
internationally experienced marketing executive with general
management background who holds an advanced degree in psychology.
Jerome is the president of the CMO CLUB’s San Francisco Chapter and
a board member of the Silicon Valley Executive Network, also known
as SVEN. As he also is a passionate and quite successful (!)
cyclist, he shares motivating insights on his philosophy, which
equally hold true and are of value in today’s business world. He
talks about his last successfully closed deal before accepting a
package and leaving the company – to slow down, travel the world
and enjoy the cycling season. Which was right at the point of the
Covid-19 virus spread. What this situation now enables him to
reflect on, to appreciate and what has helped him along the way,
you’ll hear in this interview. Jerome also shares his thoughts on
the notion of scarcity at one end and abundance on the other as
well as his experience on the need for security and letting go. We
also talk about control, revealing personality tests, mindfulness
and improved management approaches. Parts of these insights are his
guiding principles of “Lead with love”, “don’t compare” and “give
more than you take”. If you want to know the story behind and if he
followed a plan that brought him to where he is today, just stay

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