#23 Patrick Chomet | For about 25 years, a lot of my career moves have been driven by opportunity

#23 Patrick Chomet | For about 25 years, a lot of my career moves have been driven by opportunity

Inspiration & Motivation for Career & Life
32 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
Hey, I hope you are all well and am super happy to have you sharing
your time with me today in this 23rd episode of my podcast “Make it
YOUR Path”. On the show today is Patrick Chomet. He is the
Executive Vice President for Product and Innovation at Samsung who
lives in London and works in Seoul in South Korea. Besides his
proven track record in many senior global management positions, he
is a studied engineer and holds a master’s degree in business
administration and management. Patrick talks us through the 3
dimensions his career choices were driven by for a long time:
exciting new technology, large scale and a diverse international
environment - and how these have changed over time. He shares with
us how - being a Senior Executive - he asked himself “Is that it or
is there something more that I can do?” and what has helped him to
find an answer. We also learn how he handles moments of doubt,
which regularly accompany him, and how his definition of success
changed throughout his career. How Patrick makes decisions, how he
understands his role of being a people manager, what in his life
contributes to the feeling of satisfaction & meaningfulness,
what he means by “organizational empathy” and many more inspiring
insights from his path you will hear in this episode. ***** To
date, you've used upcoming opportunities or have arrived where you
are now rather coincidentally and would like to change that by
finding your individual path? Or you are a manager and it is
important to you to offer your high potentials career paths within
your company that fit to their strengths and individual goals? As a
career and business coach I am happy to support you on this
journey. Get in touch for a free initial consultation now and visit
me on www.gina-friedrich.com. I’m excited to hear from you!

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