War das Statebuilding in Afghanistan?

War das Statebuilding in Afghanistan?

49 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Chris ist etwas wehmütig in dieser Folge: Das letzte mal das
Thema Afghanistan.
Wir schauen uns genauer an wie der Westen in Afghanistan versucht
hat einen Staat aufzubauen. Auf der Petersberger Konferenz 2001
wurde hier beschlossen traditionelle Elemente und westliche
Regierungselemente zu verbinden. Die Umsetzung wird zum Beispiel
in der Loya Jirga deutlich. Was der Unterschied zwischen
Natioanbuilding, Statebuilding und Peacebuilding ist und was das
jetzt war in Afghanistan erfahrt ihr in der Folge. 

Barnett, Michael and Christopher Zürcher (2009), “The
Peacebuilder’s Contract: How External Statebuilding Reinforces
Weak Statehood,” in Roland Paris and Timothy D. Sisk, eds., The
Dilemmas ofStatebuilding: Confronting Contradictions of Postwar
Peace Operations (London: Routledge), pp. 23-52.
Bleiker, Roland (2012), Conclusion –Everyday Struggles for a
Hybrid Peace. in Oliver P. Richmond and Audra Mitchell, eds.,
Hybrid Forms of Peace: From Everyday Agency to Post-Liberalism
(Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan), S. 293-310.
Bogdandy, Armin von and Wolfrum, Roland (eds.): State-Building,
Nation-Building, and Constitutional Politics in Post-Conflict
Situations: Conceptual Clarifications and an Appraisal of
Different Approaches. Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law,
Volume 9, 2005

Chesterman, Simon: Walking Softly in Afghanistan: The Future of
UN State-Building. Survival 44:3, 2002, S. 37-46.
de Guevara, Berit Blieseman (2008), “The State in Times of
Statebuilding,” Civil Wars, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 348-368.
Gollob, Sam & O’Hanlon, Michael: Afghanistan Index. Tracking
variables of reconstruction and security in post-9/11
Afghanistan, 2020:
Hippler, Jochen: Meinung: Afghanistan – Wie weiter? Bpb, 2016:

Keane, Conor: US Nation-Building in Afghanistan. Routledge:2016:

Mac Ginty, Roger (2008), “Indigenous Peace-Making Versus the
Liberal Peace,” Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp.
Malejacq, Romain: Warlord Survival: The Delusion of State
Building in Afghanistan. Cornell University Press: 2020.
Meagher, Kate (2012), “The Strength of Weak States? Non-State
Security Forces and Hybrid Governance in Africa,” Development and
Change, Vol 43, No. 5, 1073-1101.
Möller, Reinhard: Deutschlands Engagement in Afghanistan, BpB

Münch, Philipp: Creating common sense: getting NATO to
Afghanistan. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Nr 19, 2021, pp.
O’Hanlon, Michael & Petraeus, David, General: Why the
decision to keep troops in Afghanistan is a good one. October,

Paris, Roland: At War's End: Building Peace after Civil Conflict,
Cambridge, 2004.
Sabaratnam, Meera (2011), “The Liberal Peace? An Intellectual
History of International Conflict Management, 1990-2010”.

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"War das Statebuilding in Afghanistan?"
"House of Modern History"
"War das Statebuilding in Afghanistan?"
"House of Modern History"