#034 Scott Zimmerman – Near-Infrared Light, Mitochondria and Melatonin: A different perspective

#034 Scott Zimmerman – Near-Infrared Light, Mitochondria and Melatonin: A different perspective

1 Stunde 23 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

In this episode, Scott Zimmerman discusses the role of light in
the human body, focusing on infrared energy. Key topics include
how the body interacts with near-infrared light, its effects on
melatonin production and blood vessels, and the importance of
balanced light exposure. The conversation also touches on the
challenges of measuring light effects and the potential benefits
of near-infrared light in lighting design and healthcare.


Light and optics play a crucial role in the human body, with
infrared energy being particularly important.

The body is capable of collecting and distributing
near-infrared light, which has various biological effects.

Mitochondria have the ability to generate melatonin, and the
body's response to stressors involves the production of
melatonin and cortisol.

The effects of different wavelengths of light on the body are
complex and depend on factors such as skin color and depth of

There is a need for a balanced approach to light exposure,
considering both the benefits and potential risks. Photons
play a crucial role in tissue penetration and the
effectiveness of photobiomodulation.

Near-infrared light can have significant effects on blood
vessels, immune cells, and various physiological processes.

Establishing a minimum baseline of near-infrared exposure is
important for overall health and well-being.

Simplifying lighting design and incorporating near-infrared
light can provide numerous benefits for individuals and

Papers from Scott:

Melatonin and the Optics of the Human Body

Melatonin: Both a Messenger of Darkness and a Participant in the
Cellular Actions of Non-Visible Solar Radiation of Near Infrared

Scott Zimmerman - Optical engineer, Founder of Silas, Inc., maker
of NIRA lighting


Host: Daniel Sentker – Chiropraktor M.Sc., Heilpraktiker,
Referent und Co-Founder von Lichtblock
Instagram: @daniel.sentker

Instagram: @lichtblock.shop

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