#065 Ariel Gan - Sisterhood changed me forever
Girls Gearing Up - Special Edition
34 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
Ariel Gan is with her 21 years a very articulate young woman who
know what she wants in life and where she sees her opportunity to
change the world for a better. Having participating in GGU she
learned the importance of sisterhood and during the mentoring
program she mastered the skill of public speaking. Ariel lived in
China and Germany and is now studying in the Netherlands which led
me to ask her about her experience around cultural identity.
know what she wants in life and where she sees her opportunity to
change the world for a better. Having participating in GGU she
learned the importance of sisterhood and during the mentoring
program she mastered the skill of public speaking. Ariel lived in
China and Germany and is now studying in the Netherlands which led
me to ask her about her experience around cultural identity.
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