#03 Embracing Death, Finding Happiness: A Samurai’s Secrets for Calming the Mind and Mastering Emotions - with Sensei Zen Takai

#03 Embracing Death, Finding Happiness: A Samurai’s Secrets for Calming the Mind and Mastering Emotions - with Sensei Zen Takai

1 Stunde 16 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

In this English episode I had the great honor to speak with a
real-life Samurai and Ninja: Sensei Zen Takai from Japan.

In this rich conversation you will hear Sensei Zen talk about the
ancient teachings that have been handed down in his family for 16
generations. We discuss the power of breath and the connection
between focus, energy and movement. We speak about how Samurai's
used to meditate on Death daily and about how to follow what
really makes you happy.

This episode will give you insights how a warrior's mindset helps
in modern life and will introduce some time-tested methods for
attaining self-mastery and inner peace.


More about Sensei Zen Takai:

Web: www.thenzensamurai.com

Instagram: @thezensamurai

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