MNM Epic Football Show - #11

MNM Epic Football Show - #11

It's the 11th episode and the first this year of the MNM Epic Football Show! Live at the 2Brothers Irish Pub in Graz with Martin Doohan and Jan Rynne [Length: 02:37:32]
2 Stunden 37 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

un·​bi·​ased (ˌən-ˈbī-əst ): free from bias.
especially : free from all prejudice and favoritism : eminently

Here we go again. Fresh start into the new year of 2023. The
transfer market is almost at a close, and we took that as a
reason to sit together and give our very unbiased opinions on
various matters. The first time, we had the great GOAT debate,
discussed the Juventus situation, gave our predictions for the
Champions League and much more. What's the deal with that "Winter
Cup"? Will Arsenal finally win the league? 

All of this and much more does await you on the 11th episode of
EFS with Marty, Jan, and Mike!

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Bis zum nächsten Mal, The Mike'N'Mike Podcast

2024 The Mike'N'Mic Podcast. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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