MNM Epic Football Show - #4
Our fourth episode of the MNM Epic Football Show! Live at the
2Brothers Irish Pub in Graz with Martin & Sean Doohan and Kate
Culligan [Length: 01:46:46]
1 Stunde 46 Minuten
vor 2 Jahren
knowl·edge (\ ˈnä-lij ): information, understanding, or skill
that you get from experience or education.
Right before Christmas and New Year's Eve, we meet once more this
year to share our insights and know-how on our most beloved topic
- Football! Why was it just alright that Messi won the Ballon
d'Or? What was Lewandowski missing to win that award? How come
referees are struggling so much in modern football? Does West Ham
have it what it takes to play in the Champions League again, and
which outfield player has won the most trophies of all time? All
of this and much more awaits you on the 4th Episode with the
2Brothers Martin and Sean Doohan, and Kate Culligan
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