Miami: How the World's First Chief Heat Officer combats extreme temperatures

Miami: How the World's First Chief Heat Officer combats extreme temperatures

52 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Jane Gilbert is the world’s first Chief Heat
Officer. Her task is to prepare and protect Miami’s citizens for
and from the heat.

Extreme heat is responsible for more deaths than all
other climate driven disasters in the US combined. We
talk about around 12.000 death each year. By 2100, according to a
study by the University of Washington, the annual toll could be
close to 100.000. By then, 94% of Miami Beach would be
underwater. Not a small task to manage.

Jane's strategies and goals, the effectiveness of extreme heat
toolkits and the new health task force. About climate
resilience hubs and heat shelters. The consequences for
peoples health and living standards and whether the rich are
staying healthy and the poor are dying faster. And: Why Miami's
first CHO is a role model for Los Angeles, Athens, Freetown in
Sierra Leone and many more.

More about CHO Jane Gilbert, The Great Reset, Climate
Change, the host

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