Intuitive Meditation & Body Scan – Presence and Softness Within I # 6

Intuitive Meditation & Body Scan – Presence and Softness Within I # 6

21 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Intuitive meditation and Body Scan with my Meditation Music Track
- Gentle Healing by Christina Binner - Wild Soul (My artists

You can do this meditation whenever you feel you want to check in
with your body with your breath.

It is an invitation to check in with your Body.

To feel the presence within. It is about meeting yourself and your
body where you are at.

Breathe, let softness flood your body.

Dive in!

If you liked this meditation please share the podcast episode with
friends and family or whoever you think can benefit from this
little Intuitive Meditation. Or share with me on Instagram what
this meditation opened up for you.


If you liked the Music on the podcast please contact me to buy this
meditation track Gentle healing-  Wild Soul You are a healer,
coach or mentor and are looking for music for your meditations or

I create Soulsounds and instrumental soundscapes with or without
voice that you can use for your meditations, sessions, etc

Please contact me via DM on instagram and lets chat.



I am Christina, an intuitive Voice and Soundalchemist, Mentor,
Healer and Music Producer

So happy to connect with you

My Artist Name is Wild Soul - I create Intuitive Sounds, Healing
Music and Medecine Songs for your Soul

My music is meant to remind you of your essence.

You can find my music and healing sounds on spotify


You would love to receive your Souls frequency in an individual
SoulSound frequency.

Contact me for your Individual Intuitive SoulSound - Unique Essence
of your Soul

This will be an individually crafted Song for you, I will create it
by Channeling with my Voice and Instruments a Soundscape that you
will receive in a Song. This Song can be deeply healing and
activating for your Soul. It will guide you to your core

I work with soul language, ancestral voice, overtones and different
healing insruments, digital instruments to weave together healing
sounds that will touch your heart

contact me on instagram

or via


You are feeling stuck in your life and need some guidance. Let the
tarot cards speak for you.

The cards will show you what is present within your

You come with a question or a life theme and I will intuitively
draw cards for you.

You will receive a channeled Tarot Audio Reading (10-20 min long)
within a few days with my intuitive Message for you.

Contact me via Instagram.

Special price for you as a podcast listener:   55
Euro (regular  66 Euros)


You want to work on your authentic expression and free your Voice?
I would love to open a loving space for you in a 1:1

I work with Vocal Embodiment Exercises to activate your true and
most authentic expression.

Whether you want to sing or speak more confidently or just fiercly
express your Wild woman I will support you with my experiences and
wisdom I gained in the last 3 years of experimenting with my own
voice and making music.

In a 1:1 Mentoring I open a safe space. My gift is to see where you
are getting in your own way. I will hold a clear and loving space
for you to learn to feel yourself, your body and what is in your

There are a few spaces to work with me 1:1


My website will soon be available

See you soon,



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