
vor 11 Monaten

How to WiWi in English! We kick off the winter term with some
advertising: Be smart, learn Business English! Student Council
member Marco Kreuzpaintner talks to Scott Foley, Business English
Coordinator, about changes to the language courses. Since Corona,
interest in language learning has been waning, and the Language
Centre is responding. For example, the new exams give students
more flexibility in their learning. They are also less stressful
and more predictable. And classes are now held twice a week. The
amount of material remains the same. This allows students to talk
and collaborate with other students and teachers, rather than
studying vocabulary alone at home. And don't worry about missing
a class, either. Just discuss your plans with your teachers and
fellow students. Everyone will try to find a good solution. Most
importantly, just turn up and take the opportunity! Learning a
language at university is easy, partly because the courses are
free and partly because you have more time than later in life!

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