#41 How to study internationally at the University of Passau

#41 How to study internationally at the University of Passau

33 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
This episode informs about the international activities of the
University of Passau. Luise Haack and Stefanie Dallmeier are our
specialists from the International Office and the International
Support Services. Internationalization is also a matter of the
heart for Prof. Dr. Suleika Bort. She accompanies the
internationalization activities of the School of Business,
Economics and Information Systems. All three invite you to study at
the excellent University of Passau. You will also learn: Which
degree programs are available? What does "double degree" mean? And
what advantages does it offer? For more information, follow the
links: https://www.uni-passau.de/en/istudi-coach/ and

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