13 | German Colonialism and Racist Continuities – with "Decolonize Erfurt"

13 | German Colonialism and Racist Continuities – with "Decolonize Erfurt"

27 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

(English Episode) The colonial heritage is still present in
German cityscapes, as decolonial and postcolonial city walking
tours all over Germany illustrate. Annika talked to Jule, a
member of the civil-society initiative “Decolonize Erfurt”. With
Jule's insights and academic research, we will find replies to
the questions: How on earth can a city tour be decolonial? How
visible is colonialism in German streets? What does racism have
to do with cultural memory? Why does “Decolonize Erfurt” want to
rename a street and a pharmacy? Has Germany ever critically
evaluated its colonial past? How can decolonial city tours be
“glocal” – global and local at once?


Find the main sources mentioned in this episode:

Decolonize Erfurt: https://decolonizeerfurt.wordpress.com

Pamphlet about the Nettelbeckufer:

A Decolonial Map of Germany: https://tearthisdown.com

Western Colonialism:

Cultural Memory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrECyLpL_gY

Britta Schilling (2015). German Postcolonialism in Four
Dimensions: A Historical Perspective, Postcolonial Studies, 18:4,
427-439, https://doi.org/10.1080/13688790.2015.1191988

Christoffer Kølvraa & Britta Timm Knudsen (2020).
Decolonizing European Colonial Heritage in Urban Spaces – An
Introduction to the Special Issue, Heritage & Society,
13:1-2, 1-9, https://doi.org/10.1080/2159032X.2021.1888370

Grada Kilomba (2010). Plantation Memories. Episodes of Everyday
Racism. Unrast.

Viviann Moana Wilmot, Mirjam Elomda, Cécile Stehrenberger and Urs
Lindner in a conversation with Naomie Gramlich and Jana Mangold
(2020). Erfurt dekolonisieren. Zeitschrift für
Medienwissenschaft, 12:22, 106-120,


The interview was recorded in January 2022 via Zoom.

Music: Ali Daniel – A peine défigurée, Robert John – Surface, M33
Project – On va exister

Instagram: @emkalumni

Email: podcast[at]emk-alumni.eu

Website: www.emk-alumni.eu

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