#016 | The Tax on Being Different with Dr. Vivienne Ming

#016 | The Tax on Being Different with Dr. Vivienne Ming

Dr. Vivienne Ming is a theoretical neuroscientist & co-founder of Socos Labs - an independent institute exploring the future of human potential. She was named one of the BBC 100 Women in 2017 & as one of the Financial Times' "LGBT leaders & allies today".
1 Stunde 10 Minuten


vor 4 Jahren
Note: This episode is in English. For more episodes and information
please click here: https://linktr.ee/teamvonmorgen Dr. Vivienne
Ming is a theoretical neurscientist, AI expert, Author &
co-founder of Socos-Lab - an independent institute exploring the
future of human potential. She is quite the person: having
struggled through failing out of university and ending up being
homeless, Vivienne tried to figure out her path in life. Why was it
she not the person everyone wanted her to be? Why did everything
seem easy, but it still didn't make her happy? She discovered that
making the crazy, irrational decisions felt right, rather than the
happy ones and her life started getting better. In our conversation
Vivienne opens up to coming out as transgender to her wife and how
it has effected her entire personal and work life. She shines light
on the differences of men and women, with a focus on
entrepreneurship, in the workplace, dealing with funding and
venture capitalists, as well as gender bias and inclusion and how
she goes about these issues. To her this process is not about being
right, rather than finding consensuses and making a changer based
on these. With her company Socos she and her team have developed
techniques to track economic impact of unusual and different
backgrounds, building a system to treat diabetes, building new
technology to understand suicide risk and now they are even working
with UNICEF to track adolescent mental health around the world. In
every way, Vivienne tries to do what's right for others and not for
herself. Therefore she developed a tool called the "Inclusion
Impact Index" to track the real time economic high growth
entrepreneurs impact all over the world, especially during times of
COVID-19. This tool will help reinvent your city. We hope you enjoy
this really honest and uplifting episode. Vivienne is a great guest
to have, setting an example for going for what you love and owning
being different. About our podcast: How can a sustainable society
look like in the future? What kind of world do we want to create?
What technologies and innovations should we know about and how do
they operate in our lives? "vonMorgen" wants to help you learn more
about the future that is coming and how we take an active part in
it. Jonathan Sierck, founder of "vonMorgen" and expert for digital
learning, takes on interesting, challenging and intriguing
conversations with inspiring experts from all over the world. In
this podcast we look for answers and controversial points of views
when it comes to the big questions of our society, discovering
future technology trends and explain, which future skills will be
relevant in time. We're exited to have you with us! Wie kann eine
zukunftsfähige, nachhaltige Gesellschaft aussehen? Was für eine
Welt wollen wir gestalten? Welche Technologien und Innovationen
sollten wir dabei auf dem Schirm haben und wie wirken sich diese
auf unser Leben aus? Jonathan Sierck, Gründer von vonMorgen und
Experte für digitales Lernen, begibt sich mit Pionieren, Koryphäen
und inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten aus aller Welt auf eine Reise
in die Zukunft. In Gespräche von Morgen suchen wir klare Antworten
und (auch) kontroverse Blickwinkel auf die großen Fragen der
Menschheit, erkunden Zukunftstrends und -technologien und erklären,
worauf es bei den Future Skills wirklich ankommt. Wir eröffnen
spannende Perspektiven und Einblicke, die zum Nachdenken und
Handeln anregen. Die Zukunft beginnt jetzt – mit dir – in den
Gesprächen von Morgen. Unterstütze uns auf:
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