WAVE 02 Interview with Andy Gore about Firefly Online

WAVE 02 Interview with Andy Gore about Firefly Online

In this very special Episode our host Alexander has the privilege to be interviewing Andy Gore, CEO of renowned Firefly merchandise creator Quantum Mechanix, the guy behind the highly anticipated upcoming game Firefly Online!
43 Minuten
Arne Ruddat, Bastian Wölfle und Alexander Waschkau machen eine unterhaltsame Analyse der TV-Serie Firefly mit ihrer Crew auf der Serenity. Abschweifen gehört dazu genauso wie pixelgenaue Bildbetrachtung und interessante Hintergrundinfos.


vor 9 Jahren
In this very special Episode our host Alexander has the privilege
to be interviewing Andy Gore, CEO of renowned Firefly merchandise
creator Quantum Mechanix, the guy behind the highly anticipated
game Firefly Online! We cover questions like what the game is
about, what the gameplay mechanix are and what you as a player can
expect from this upcoming game in the verse of Firefly! We are very
thankful for this opportunity to get some behind-the-scenes views
on Firefly Online!

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