# 2 Meditation - Trust, Light & Connection

# 2 Meditation - Trust, Light & Connection

8 min Meditation to connect energetically with your loved ones in times of physical separation
7 Minuten
Create Energy Balance. Strive for Spiritual Growth. Cultivate Holistic Beauty.


vor 3 Jahren

Meditation to connect energetically with your loved ones in times
of physical separation.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/and.spirit/

& Spirit - Spiritual Wellness Space

Create Energy Balance.

Strive for Spiritual Growth.

Cultivate Holistic Beauty.


Today in my meditation I thought about physical presence,
friendship and energy.

Even if you can't see your loved ones, hug them and feel their
presence, you can feel their energy anyways. At any point in time
you can send someone love, or strength. You can connect on a
spiritual plane. Did you ever feel more connected to a friend
that lives far away, in a different time zone maybe, than you did
with the people around you? Well that's the same. Our connection
to one another is not limited to the physical plane. If you ever
feel lonely during those challenging times close your eyes.
Imagine to sit in a circle with all your loved ones. Imagine
holding their hands. Imagine sending them light and receiving
light back.

I recorded this 8 min Light and Connection Meditation for you so
feel free to use it whenever you feel like it.

You are not alone. 

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